How much time does it take to do Qigong?
How much time does it take to do Qigong videos?
Does that make you smile? I hope so... It's like asking, how long does it take to become a Qigong Master? In China, no one would ever call themselves a "Master"... it is bestowed upon you by peers... Nowadays the term is used way too loosely... Anyway, Qigong videos isn't about "time"... I know people who spend hours each day and they seem way too caught up in the details and intense to be gaining any real benefit... and I see others who say they "just have ten minutes a day, but I do my practice daily" and they seem to be flowing and healthy. It's not "what" you practice, it's "how" you practice.
I would much rather see you practice ten minutes regularly than sporadic long sessions. Qigong is a healthy habit... and as humans, we are extremely pattern oriented. We can't easily escape our pattern/habit orientation, so it is better to then use it to our advantage.
Get a personal practice going that is achievable and you will feel so much better about yourself! Find Two minutes a day to do one Qigong videos form that you like... just two minutes (we have some nice DVDs you can pick from :)) I promise those two minutes will feed your spirit and start wiring your plastic brain... Soon you will find sessions that naturally extend to ten minutes or even twenty minutes... You will begin to trust that your body/mind/spirit "knows" what it needs... Trust, listen, act... Qigong is timeless... healing takes place in a split second.
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