
Showing posts from June, 2017

When should I practice Qigong?

When should I practice Qigong? This is a good question and it comes up a lot in my workshops. There are so many theories about when is the best time to practice by Qigong videos . Some talk about certain hours to feed certain organs, some discuss connecting with various stars at specific times. Theories abound. The problem with theories is that many disagree with each other... and many aren't proven... such is the way of theories.  For my personal practice which is influenced by many Masters who I studied with includes a routine of  Qigong videos  energy harmonizing and physical stretching immediately after waking. Yes, this means before you check emails or make phone calls or eat breakfast. This is a great way to set your "resonance" for the day. I also do a shorter set right before I go to bed. Again, this is the last thing you do to set your resonance for sleep... so after you brush your teeth and after emails and so forth. I usually only spend 15 minutes ...

How much time does it take to do Qigong?

How much time does it take to do  Qigong videos ? Does that make you smile? I hope so... It's like asking, how long does it take to become a Qigong Master? In China, no one would ever call themselves a "Master"... it is bestowed upon you by peers... Nowadays the term is used way too loosely... Anyway,  Qigong videos  isn't about "time"... I know people who spend hours each day and they seem way too caught up in the details and intense to be gaining any real benefit... and I see others who say they "just have ten minutes a day, but I do my practice daily" and they seem to be flowing and healthy. It's not "what" you practice, it's "how" you practice.  I would much rather see you practice ten minutes regularly than sporadic long sessions. Qigong is a healthy habit... and as humans, we are extremely pattern oriented. We can't easily escape our pattern/habit orientation, so it is better to then use it to our adv...

Learn more about Energy Gates Qigong videos

Opening the Energy Gates of the Body in terms of doing classic Taoist exercises is probably the best foundation program and entry point to learn qigong.Explore the best selling videos Energy Gates  Qigong videos The last qigong exercise in the Energy Arts program I learned from my teacher in Beijing, Liu Hung Chieh, and this was the only qigong videos exercise that he did. This qigong and more specifically neigong is considered to be one of the oldest. It is considered to be the jewel in the crown of all the Taoist qigong longevity practices. In all my years in China, I had heard about this method from many people but very few knew what it was. Gods Playing in the Clouds Qigong is the earth element and Chinese thought in the world of  Qigong videos , earth is about integrating the body. So its about integrating at the end all of the energies of all of the five elements together. It takes all the internal energy practices, combines them and then goes to comp...

Learn more about Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong videos

Learn more about Dragon and Tiger Medical   Qigong videos  Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body Qigong videos develops the water element inside of you. It is composed of a series of six qigong exercises. The first one is standing and incorporates breathing and teaches a person how to become aware of the inside of their body. Through this a person learns the proper alignments so the chi is neither blocked nor dissipated when doing a practice including other ongoing sets or tie chi. You then learn another exercise called Cloud Hands which connects a person to the interior of their body so all the different parts of ourselves that are not integrated join the body into one connected whole. Through that you work the chi flows within that one connected flow. The next  Qigong videos  exercise in Energy Gates is a series of three swings. The first gets the flow of energy into the lower internal organs of the body. The next swing gets the energy and chi to...

Dragon and Tiger Qigong is the First of the Moving Qigong Videos Exercises

Dragon and Tiger Qigong is the first of the moving  Qigong videos  exercises in our program. Dragon and Tiger was developed 1,500 years ago and came from the Shaolin Temple. The Shaolin Temple was originally a place where Taoism and Buddhism fused inside of China. This exercise set is known in China as medical qigong because it seeks to activate the acupuncture meridians in the body. It is comprised of only seven movements and each of those movements activates certain specific acupuncture meridian pathways in very distinct ways. In all the  Qigong videos  methods I meet in China, especially among medical qigong methods, this was the method I saw that I felt was the easiest to learn and provided the bulk of the medical benefits of qigong. Its second advantage is it teaches how to feel energy or how to feel chi. With practice just about everyone can learn to feel and move chi and this qigong exercise makes it about as easy as possible The fin...