Medical School Qigong Certification
This program will not only certify you to teach Qi Gong, but will be a journey into life-force energy (Qi), leading to an awakening of the self. On this journey, you will emerge with resources, tools, and techniques for health, healing, longevity, and a deeper connection to life itself For a Qigong Certification . The word Qi Gong signifies “an expertise at working with life-force energy”. Through this program you will truly become an expert at working with Qi and life-force energy. Whether you want to just delve deeply into your own personal energy practice or for those who want to become a Qi Gong Teacher, this training will infuse you with light, energy, and a deep connection to your unique purpose. The program will include 3 Levels of practice and Qigong certification that will take place over 4 weeks throughout the year. Each week will have a unique focus on one of the main facets of Qi Gong practice. Scheduling your private session with Lee: To ge...